Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Giant Pyramids and Sphinxes Found in The Bermuda Triangle

Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundaries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.

According to a report by Arclein of Terra Forming Terra, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend.

The disaster may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic icecap catastrophically melted it caused sea levels to rise quickly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere. Coast lines changed; land was lost; islands (even island continents) disappeared.

Arclein observes: “At the time uplifted portions of the Mid Atlantic Ridge subsided also including Lyonese and the home islands and land mass around the Azores. Even if that had not happened, this subsidence was amply large enough

This would have produced an orthogonal pressure forcing subsidence to either East or West. Since the ridge between Cuba and Yucatan is the natural point of weakness between the Gulf subsidence basin and the Caribbean subsidence basin, it naturally subsided deeply. The driver for all this was the hydrostatic changes brought about by both the original crustal shift of 12,900 years ago that I have called the Pleistocene Nonconformity and the slow uplift of the Hudson Bay Basin brought about by the ending of the Ice Age.”

Cuban missile crisis stops research

According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to it was stopped during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis. ( To view in other languages, use the google translate tool bar.

The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects, in order that it will not come to Russians hands.”

The science team of deep ocean experts, archaeologists and oceanographers found ruins of ancient buildings 600 feet below the ocean. They say the city is Atlantis.

Look carefully, in the muky water a giant pyramid is visible(

Pyramids and sphinxes bigger than Egypt’s 

Evidence that the island of Cuba is the vestige of a once mighty culture is supported by Zalitzki’s discovery on the island of extremely ancient symbols and pictograms identical to those seen on the underwater structures.

Using exploration submersibles, they discovered amazingly huge pyramid structures similar to (but larger than) the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. They estimate the Atlantis pyramids are constructed with stones weighing many hundreds of tons.

Speaking with a scientist about the possibility that the ruins are indeed Atlantis, Fernandez reports the expert replied:

“…in the Yucatan cultures today is possible that what still remains of the aborigines of those places perhaps the Olmecs or some very primitive civilization of Yucatan, the northern part of Central America—originated according to them on an island that sank by a cataclysm. This island is called Atlanticú.”

That too fits the stories about the sudden demise of the wondrous Atlantis.

Atlanticú. Atlantis. The aboriginal natives still call it that in their history.

During an interview about the exploration of the mega-city, Fernandez asked lead scientist Pauline Zalitzki about the civilaztion that built it.

“When we published the first news of this finding,” she said, “the University of Veracruz was interested in our work and we had recorded images of these structures on the seabed. Specifically, the Institute of Anthropology of the University excavations invited me. They were doing [studies] on parts and ruins of the Olmec civilization.

The Olmecs and other native peoples all have primary morphology marking the arrival of this continent. This mean coming from the direction of Cuba, and had to occur in a very large earthquake where their land sank. Morphologies indicate that they belong to three families who were saved. One of these families came to the coast of Veracruz, which are supposedly the Olmec. Others came to Central America and traveled to the Pacific coast, and these families created the civilization of the Americas as we know it today, because they distributed all their knowledge.

When these anthropologists saw underwater images of this city, and saw some stone monoliths, some symbol, and inscriptions, they identified with Olmec motifs. They were very surprised.”

The Olmecs devolved from the survivors of Atlantis, a much superior culture destroyed aft the end of the Ice Age flooding. The world was reshaped and a super-civilization destroyed, remembered for millennia only in legend and a passing refernce by the philosopher Plato.

But Atlantis was real, is real: scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki have found it.

Sonar images of mega-structures on the seabed (

Sources and more information:
• BBC News

Originally posted on: Disclose


  1. Thus is so much horseshit. ACTUAL pics or it didn't happen.

    1. I agree, some clearer pics would be good. Not much discernible in this one. Certainly nothing that looks like a sphinx. I hope it is true though, that would be extremely interesting.

    2. I believe this could be fake too, but I'm not closing my mind for lack of evidence on this page. Some asshole once expected to have the earth being spherical proved to him too. So much for that douche.

    3. ffs sake it under water,do you want a hd version of it

    4. The picture looks like they are scale models. Look at the size of the supposed site and how big it would be in real life. From the nearest point in the pic to the farthest would be, what, 1/2 mile or 3/4 mile, more? The whole area is illuminated with no darkening contrast the further away from the light source you go. That would mean some damn powerful lighting. Also the light source is not on the sub taking the picture but from the left hand side of the pic as the shadow is on the right face of the Pyramid, which oddly does not cast a shadow on the sea bed. Something very fishy here!

    5. if its real its not taken with a simple camera, its a sonar scan image i believe. and it wouldn't be the first time ancient ruins found under the sea. there's probably 100's of towns and remarkable things under the sea, the world is constantly changing, i mean mt. Everest started on the ocean floor and got pushed up to be the tallest mountain on land. to say its Atlantis may be a step to far as of yet but im pretty sure there is something down there. unfortunately people are not willing to invest enough time and money into deep sea exploration, we know more about the surface of Mars and the solar system than we do about our own ocean.

    6. I am pretty sure that the image in question is simply a computer rendering based on the sonar image referred to elsewhere in the text. This sonar image has been popping up on many sites in recent days.

    7. they said the city of troy was a myth to...until they found it. It's amazing how this particular race thinks they are the smartest yet. If that's the case, why cant we build a pyramid today with all of our technology?

    8. Who says we can't build pyramids?

    9. We can't. All the tech today cannot move stones that size and place them that accurate.

    10. The only way you could prove it is if you go there yourself!

    11. Funny story. They produced evidence for a round earth. The assholes who insisted on evidence were the smart ones. This hasn't been produced for this supposed underwater city.

    12. This whole website is "horseshit". His sources are a BBC article from '01 and a few wordpress blogs, one of which has been since removed.

    13. I have a hard time buying it too. But I am surprised to see it being reported on BBC and National Geographic as well.

    14. Some of the responses like Rikki Rodger just proves how ignorant people are. He needs to have his head surgically removed from his ass; it's been up there so long. No wonder the US is in such a mess, you elect dumb fucks like obama and bush lmao.

    15. Uh, it's she*, dickhole.
      And I'm sorry, how did my response "prove how ignorant people are"? I was saying this article is bullshit for claiming validity of farfetched theories before having solid evidence. We have the technology to take much better visual documentation of phenomena such as this; hence my aforementioned comment.
      Questioning what is claimed as "truth" is not ignorance; blind acceptance of what is claimed as "truth", is.

      Also, go fuck yourself.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. ummm just because they don't show YOU the evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
      You obviously don't know just how competitive the scientific community is. Those pictures are probably kept in a personal safe so no one can steal it, copy it, or claim it for themselves.
      apparently this was found in "01? that leaves nearly 13 years of time for someone to waltz along on the internet, find this article, change it up a bit, and claim it for themselves.

      Who would you believe. the person who is on the majority of the shared texts, or the minority that is mentioned in only one?

  2. Um, those pictures aren't good enough for you?

    1. Pics have been taken down....

    2. The pics are easy enough to find Google. People are so good at making up their minds before they know anything about a subject or exerting any effort at informing themselves. They would rather argue evidence is nonexistent instead of checking for themselves. If you (this means anyone) don't care enough to research it for yourself-- you're not as entitled to that opinion of yours compared to somebody that went and did their homework.

    3. No, really it's true, I have been there. Us aliens came to Earth to save humans and you sank our battleship, these are the remains.

    4. This is NOT how science works. No, these "pictures" can be created from low-end software. The claims made are geologically impossible. A simple claim is not science. Peer-review publications with evidence is science. So this is just a lie. Nothing more.

  3. Looks and sounds fake.

  4. this is a story regurgitated from the 60s.....

    1. Yes, this is a regurgitated story from the 60s, they admit it in the story...that doesn't make it wrong. It's quite clear that it was "discovered" then, kept under wraps for years, and now "discovered" again. This is what happens when people are so blinded by bureaucracy and authority...

    2. Or maybe it's just a fake story, which it is, and this is obvious if you do any research at all.

  5. C'mon you guys! It's on the Internet. It must be current and true!

  6. Great, it is well known that they are huge underwater cities all over the world

  7. The author writes like a middle schooler. Pick up a book on grammar, and learn to cite your sources like a big boy.

    1. BURN! ...heh heh

    2. A middle "schooler"........? trollerific

    3. I agree, the writing is atrocious. The Story is rife with grammatical errors. It does read like a C student 7th grader wrote it. I would hold a "writer" to a higher standard of grammar, spelling and syntax than a commenter. The writer is SUPPOSED to be a professional.
      ~Holy Cow~

    4. Citing and referencing are different you cite in text and you reference at the bottom. The citations correspond with the references. Hope this helps.

    5. Writing was differant in the Olden days

  8. he did site his sources... or can you not read?

    1. Ahem.... RELIABLE sources.

    2. ^ What Anonymous said.
      Just because some twit is able to pull together semi-coherent claims and post links to his "sources" doesn't make it credible or valid.

  9. Real or Fake I will be keeping an eye on this story, but after watching the video I think it may be real.

    1. after watching the vid i gotta go with fake. all the vid shows is a tip of a pyramid and nothing else but a repeater reel. and also, knowing how the lights on them rovers are atrocious at depth, i don't see how anyone with half a mind and a lil common sense can't see its most likely fake. the way the lamp hits the top of said "pyramid" is way to bright and the fact that its that bright tells me it was really close. rovers like that one isn't all that big so in relation to the beam, and the size of it reflected on the tip of the "pyramid" and also the size of the air bubbles released, im voting: faked. great idea tho.almost had me.

    2. Your an idiot! How many submersibles have u been on? Idiot!!

  10. I think if you're waiting on an "expert" you're screwed already.Government knows way more than they are telling you or i..(proper enough grammar for you knobs)The fact's are this shit has been going on a lot longer than either you or i have been breathing.We don't keep records like the Vatican and other institutions do...all we've got are "legends"/myths,and Indian legends to go by,but common sense dictates...Everything comes from something...nothing comes from nothing...right?
    Free your mind and think for yourselves.Your spirit has been free since you took your first breathe,why enslave your mind with influence or ignorance?Don't be foolish..the world is full of stupid people!!Educate yourself...then amaze yourself with how much you know!!!

    1. actually in that context its "you or me"

    2. no one and everyone all the same...

    3. The proper grammar is you or me. Take away the "you or" part to be sure. "The government knows way more than they are telling I." sounds stupid. "You or I" would be used in the context like "should you or I go to the store?"

    4. Shouldn't it be..... "The fact's are this shit has been going on a lot longer than you AND i have been breathin."

    5. You know what's sad man?
      This has turned into an argument about grammar when you're actually spot on.
      All we can do is educate our children and as many others as we can make listen.
      I'm in England, don't know where you are, but the we love irony in this country and when our puppet prime minister Tony Bliar was elected he said his priorities were, "education, education, and education". "You wouldn't f##king dare" I thought.

    6. Last guy who commented SHUT UP SO WHAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO CUSS!!! >:[

  11. If those structures are as large as they claim and they are submerged they must have had an amazing light source to illuminate them like that.


  13. if you read the Articles sources, you would know that they knew about these for decades

  14. There are spelling errors in the article. Just saying.

  15. actual film footage would be better,fuzzy pics not good enough.

  16. Upon checking the "giant Sphinx" link, the above story seems to be taken from it, abiet a shorter version. In the larger one, this is stated: "The ancient city is 600 feet below the ocean and the team of researchers led by Zalitzki Weinzweig is convinced that it is Atlantis, the city lost by more than 10,000 years." This statement is in bothe versions:"Using exploration submersibles, they discovered amazingly huge pyramid structures similar to (but larger than) the pyramids in Giza, Egypt." The Great Pyrimid of Gaza is 481 feet tall, so these are supposedly bigger.
    If "Atlantis" is only 600 feet below the surface and these pyrimids are taller Gaza, than their tops should be right under the surface. Just assume that these are around 500 feet tall, then you only have about 100 feet (or less) of water covring them. That is about 33 yards (visualize a football field),,,,not a lot of room to keep something that big hidden that long...
    Also, most seagoing ships sit 25 feet in the watr(on average) so there sonar shou find it easy....
    The pic of the "city" has to be taken more than 100 feet above, btw.

  17. ^This guy has intelligence. Exactly along the lines I was thinking of anonymous. I will do one better and actually post who I am :)

  18. Don't forget that over time sand will cover up a lot of the ocean floor, so assuming that you should expect them to be partially burried. With this fact at hand we can say that it is possible for pyramids to be at 600 feet accounting for the portions burried. Although I must say that this article is poorly written and the picture is nothing credible. Just my thoughts on the matter.

  19. All of you need to work on your spelling skills... Wow

  20. Spelling skills? You do know that not everyone on this thread is American, right? So, syntax, spelling, and grammatical flow aren't going to be the same in all instances. Also, researchers aren't always good writers and neither are engineers/mathematicians. If you can find the documentation and verify it, why would you care how the idea was presented to you?

    1. Well said. To lower a discussion about a possible candidate for Atlantis to grammar and spelling is a bit trivial. And to suggest Americans can speak proper English is also a very bold statement!

  21. Grammar aside, this idea has been unfortunately presented in a blatantly biased manner that suggests the author wants the Atlantis story to change from myth to real history very badly. The basic part of the story is, in fact, true. In 2001, a group of treasure hunters happened to photograph what looked very much like the ruins of a submerged city via sonar. Since then, there has been slow but gradual progress in gathering sharper images and there is indeed something very significant down there off the southwest tip of Cuba. It's mentioned briefly near the end of Graham Hancock's book, Underworld, if you're interested in learning more. As for additional information online, I've found it difficult to locate much, and I suspect that is simply because exploring submerged ruins 700 m below sea level presents some fairly challenging obstacles. Most ruins are 10 to 30 m down, suggesting gradual ocean level rises over recent millennia. This find suggests something quite different, the theory outlined above regarding crustal shifts being one of the most popular. Given time, the truth about these ruins will come to light, and perhaps scientists will say, "this is what Plato was talking about" (probably not, though, because they despise the word, "Atlantis"). Until then, it's much too daring and potentially misleading to proclaim that the legend of Atlantis was undoubtedly true. After several years of reading on the subject, it seems to me that the story may have been loosely based on a global crisis that saw a maritime civilization lose its strongholds during the meltdown of the last Ice Age. During those same years of reading, I cannot recall ever coming across the revelation of a Central American cutlure claiming to have been descended from a sunken island of "Antlanticu", so I can't say I'm on board for that part of the story. It is likely that the writer of this piece is young, naive, impressionable, and excited, much as I once was. I admire his or her open-mindedness, but open minds are best complimented by critical thinking. The worst thing a researcher can do is fall in love with a desired conclusion.

    1. I was in Cuba for a few months some years back, and there are no Olmec ruins I ever heard of, as the article seems to implicate: It's rather badly written, it is hard to see which Olmec ruins they were comparing the underwater ones. "Evidence that the island of Cuba is the vestige of a once mighty culture is supported by Zalitzki’s discovery on the island of extremely ancient symbols and pictograms identical to those seen on the underwater structures." Pictures?
      Also, which aboriginals speak of Atlanticu, as Cuban aboriginals are long since extinct? How can we be sure this Atlanticu is not a modern myth anyhow, if someone somewhere in Central America is speaking of it? How strange the same name for the Atlantic Ocean would be in use on both sides of it, and that the name has kept so similar over countless millenia!
      Please link a reputable paper about it as well, in Spanish is fine, I can understand it that much. Cuba has a lot of scientists, if you can link just to a locally published scientific journal or a Cuban university page, that would be better than nothing too.

    2. Careful Steve, that looks dangerously like a well-researched & well thought out post with little to no personal bias. That's the internet equivalent of dividing by Zero...

  22. It seems like about 2 paragraphs in whoever wrote this just got really shitty at writing. All of a sudden the wrong words are used, spelling collapses... If you want me to believe horse shit you better damn well make it smell right.

  23. bunch of wannabe English Majors. shut up

  24. My question is where did the light come from to photograph that image? It could be very strong underwater lights I suppose. But they would need to be huge.

  25. That picture is apparently a computer-generated image of what someone thinks the submerged ruins would look like. Here's a cynical take on the discovery from someone who seems to believe that there is nothing there at all and also claims that there has been zero progress on this find since the early 2000's:
    And another article that claims the opposite:
    The author of this one claims that Graham Hancock dived on the site, which is actually impossible because the water pressure would have crushed him. From the description given, I think they've confused his research on some other underwater find with this one.
    There are plenty of conflicting opinions out there on this topic, and you can easily find them with a quick Google search. But, like many new things in the archaeological world, you have the naive making grand claims and the cynics making equally as grand denials. Until something official comes to light on this site, all a person can do is just take all the info in objectively and decide for themselves what really makes the most sense.

    1. Thanks for your information. It's always good to read about different perspectives without judgement.

  26. So much has been destroyed of our past. The culprits behind this are the two biggest lies to have ever been created by a bunch of jews, christianity and islam.



    1. Yeah wake up and listen to a dude who puts joyofsatan at the end of his post. Your probably a meter maid with a G.E.D. at best. You fucking ass clown.

    2. And apparently my auto correct went to school with you for spelling you're, your.

    3. the lies are everything else other than christianity. the bible is proving to be the most accurate history book in the world. and understanding the truth of God quickly puts to rest:

      ancient gods
      ancient aliens
      and any story thats officially been told.

      satan controls it all

    4. Why do Christians have to spew their offensive and insulting opinions into EVERYTHING??? Your beliefs have nothing to do with the blog above.

      I suppose Satan planted dinosaur bones to test your faith, right? What a limited little bubble you must live in.

      This is mindless regurgitation of thoughtless dogma, passed down by thoughtless people. The Bible is part history, part metaphor, part mythology. It is not "the most accurate history book in the world". If I need to complete a complex mathematical formula to try and determine a date in a book, then the word "accurate" doesn't come to mind.

    5. Have you ever seen the christian image of people riding a dinosaur to build the pyramids? very amusing. ;)

  27. Check out Minoans if you really are wondering about Atlantis.

    1. The catastrophe referred to in this article occurred around 1600 BC, in the middle of the Bronze Age. If you research the history of Minoan civilization, you'll see that it didn't actually end in that catastrophe. After a period of rebuilding, it instead gradually declined into the end of the Bronze Age. If I recall correctly, Plato's account pointed to a period of remote history in the ballpark of 9500 BC, as advised to him by his grandfather; who, in turn, learned of the story from Egyptian priests. This date, it just so happens, coincides with a period of multiple catastrophic post-Ice Age glacial meltdowns. During Plato's time, the science did not exist to determine such things, so when looking for a remote epoch to place his tale of Atlantis's destruction, he made one Hell of a good guess.

  28. Seems like this report has rocked some peoples belief system boat.
    Why couldn't there be ancient ruins in the Atlantic?
    What more evidence do you require? Sure the photographs are murky but what would you look like captured at 600 ft underwater.
    I'm reminded of a challenge thrown out by an ex-lawyer called Victor Zammit who offers to be cross examined on his belief in the survival of the spirit after death.
    Nobody has taken him up after years of offering.
    In England they have a saying,
    `There's none so blind as those who don't want to see'
    What is it that closes peoples minds as soon as something different turns up.
    We live in a mysterious world. Too many unanswered questions.
    Open your minds for goodness sake. You might be amazed at what you find.
    This is exciting stuff.
    Doesn't anybody else agree?
    Sorry about my grammar??? As if that has anything to do with anything.
    No more side-stepping the issue. Get on with it, broaden your horizons at least once in your lives.

    Derek...convinced that we are more than we can ever imagine

  29. Unless you dive down there and photograph these ruins yourself, you will not see these released by NASA unless they have a chance to "touch them up" first. The space program in Houston is constantly keeping important knowledge from the public, yet they would reclaim everything in the name of Werner Von Braun and the Nazis under his command. Richard Hoagland has it all down so well in his book DARK MISSION revised edition 2009. Most people would be shocked to know the history of NASA and the US space program!

  30. Most comments are so embarassing! People are so brainwashed by their usual HD TV quality apics feeding them nothing than lies and bullshit. Get informed about the problems archelogists face before you scream for high solution videos. Get some knowledge about history! (There's much more to history than just listing the presidents of the USA, believe me!) Read a book, if your able to read! Or just shut up!

    1. how can one read up on history when history is written by the victor of the war?

  31. as usual. little truth and a load of lies.
    1. mankind was evil. it had been taught forbidden incredible things... by lucifer, and his angels.
    2. God sent a flood across the whole earth to destroy it all
    3. the ice age probably came after the flood when large quantateis of water were caught up in the clouds and rained back down as a hell of a lot of snow in the colder northern hemisphere.
    4. lucifer and his fallen angels have since been trying to re-create all they had... in their great city of atlantis.
    5. they have infiltrated every level of society. (government,millitary,corporations,banks,science,archeology) mainly through lucifarian worship.
    6. they seek total power and control.

    nasas hidden message to the world through its space shuttles...
    a 'colombian' 'enterprise' to 'endeavor' for the 'discovery' of 'atlantis' and all 'challangers' will be destroyed.

    that was their 'new age' ritual. they purposely blew up the appollo '13' on april '13' (13:13)
    millitary time. the illuminati love the number 13.

    egyptions-mayans-the USA. lucifer and his underworld gods were and are in control. all the new age suff, its all worshipping the same evil angels.
    they have taken the true history of the world and made everyone beleive its all stories, while simultaniously implamenting their own replacement his-story.

    the truth is... we have a God and he created us 6000 years ago. just like the bible says. everything above is the real truth that they have made you beleive is a joke. plz i encourage you to research out of bounds of mainstream, they all cover it up. ron wyatt found loads that prove the bible.

    everything you think you know is a lie. why does all this even matter? because were in the end times that God foretold. hes going to destroy all evil... again! the timeline finishes before 2020. check it all out. you need to turn to the LORD JESUS before its too late. failure to do so will damn your soul to everlasting suffering. ask him for forgiveness and you are granted eternal life in peace after this one. we are not these physical bodies, were spirits wirelessly connected to our brains.

    seek the truth or perish? God gives you that choice. STAY AWAY FROM 'OFFICIAL STORIES AND NEWS'

    1. Alex Jones, is that you?

    2. wow... these crazies really do exist? I thought that pamphlet I got in the mail about geocentricity was a joke... guess not!! Can you cite another source for your information besides the bible? Hah. I didn't think so.

    3. After I read #3 I called you a hypocrite and stopped. Are you actually trying to spew shit about the bible being accurate, AND referencing the ice age?

  32. Atlanticu
    Never Forget

  33. Interesting find but it's NOT Atlantis. Atlantis lies under 2 miles of ice in Antarctica - rings and all. Here is one recent report (among many others) --

    And, continental drift or not, it's exactly where Plato said it was. If you tip the earth up and look at Antarctica from above, it sits in the middle of the great ocean since, tipped up, there is only one ocean and Antarctica/Atlantis is right in the middle of it.

  34. I don't mean to shoot down outside possibilities, but Antarctica would have been even more glaciated and inhospitable to life than it is now during the time that Plato claimed Atlantis existed. Continental drift takes millions of years, not thousands, so the only way Antartctica could be the spot is if Charles Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement were true. Though many things are possible, if we stick to what's most probable, the Caribbean area should be the leading candidate. These submerged structures aside, it is known to have been mostly above water during the last Ice Age and sat in Earth's most habitable zone. Plus, it fits Plato's description of the location, as well:

    "in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of Heracles,' there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean."

    To me, it sounds very much like he's describing an island area, sitting in the Caribbean, set against the backdrop of a much larger continent, which the civilization also spilled over onto, that being the Americas.

  35. send down the frogmen. like tony montana.

  36. Something is there, near Cuba, but what it is remains unclear:

    I'd say that somebody needs to go down there again, with better equipment, but the question is: who's going to fund such a risky adventure.

  37. First of all this article is a copy of a copy, so not that original. The picture that many think is fake is fake because its a 3D rendering of high res sonar images made of te area.
    And who is going to fund such a risky adventure.... You!! Make it a crowdfundingproject ala kickstarter, enough people who are interested in Atlantis. Pro and contra :) And even the ammount is known to restart the research: 2 million dollars. Get more and you can even add rasearchers from other fields.

  38. This would be really cool if it's true, but this article is not convincing or reliable. The first thing to catch my eye is Cuba is not within the Bermuda triangle, nor is anywhere I would consider "off the coast of Cuba". So, it's interesting, possible, but inconclusive.

  39. Pictures FAKE! The lighting and shading does not add up with the magnitude of the city and at the depths that it would be at. There is no known technology out there that can illuminate the bottom of the ocean at these distances. If these pyramids are larger than the ones in Egypt that means this submergible would be thousands of meters away, just not possible with this lighting. Would be very interesting if true though!

  40. its a touched up photo of the temple of the sun in mexico.... that's why the buildings to the left facing are crumbling..... because at the site they really are crumbling...... its the Aztec temples...... fake..... good story though.... what caught me was the part where Cuban scientists are researching...... lmao

  41. absolute and utter crap with a capital C.

  42. Hmm, judging accuracy of a story by someone's grammar and spelling... makes perfect sense.... One thing with underwater photos, the light doesn't travel as it does through air. Please keep this in mind when debunking the lighting in the photos. I for one can't confirm or deny its authenticity based on the content, so I will keep an open mind. Maybe I'll find out the truth in another decade or two ;)

  43. Hint to hoaxers: if you want people to take your alleged findings of a submerged city seriously:

    1. Don't start talking about the Atlantis myth (or about ancient astronauts, the tooth fairy or alien abductions)

    2. Don't insist that the ruins must be thousands of years older than any other ancient city we know of.

  44. It is bullshit. At 600 feet below the surface there simply isn't that much light. And there is no man made light for underwater use that could possibly cover so wide an area so uniformly. One more thing, for those to be giant pyramids would mean that visibility is literally several miles of absolute clarity. There is no where on earth the water is that clear, that deep, for that kind of distance. Only a fool would fall for this crap and only and idiot would think any intelligent person might believe this is true. Hell, even the light source is wrong. For a submersible to be filming this, the shadows would have to be behind everything, not on the side. It looks like a scale model because it is. A thousand years my ass. Where is the coral?

    1. Spot on; those were exactly my thoughts, too. Clearly fake, unfortunately, though it would have been pretty cool if this was real!

  45. Well if it is true it could be reason for lots of things that happened back then......Marilyns death JFK's assassination emilia earhardts disappearance...cause she flew over the site and was shot down.....god knows what else

  46. you people are funny

    1. i agree! I've spent the last 30 minuets reading all the comments and i must say, some funny shit right there.

  47. Render your models of Pyramids at a higher sample rate and people might believe you.

  48. So I was just wondering since they discovered "Atlantis" did they get the threats just l like the guy who found the Crystal Skull when he disvovered the Bermuda Triangle??

    All of a sudden they want to explore it.... seems a little fishy to me why they are down there in the first place.

  49. Additionally, it is additionally quite handy to buy on-line newspaper publishers as opposed to going to a nearby store and also paying for through right now ther новини за. There are large chances that the local store might or perhaps might not have the particular classifieds of the region.

  50. I find it mildly amusing that folks can get so worked up, call each other names, issue insults about a topic that clearly needs more research. We all must view all articles with a "grain of salt". After all, all the author wants is for you to read it, and if they can make up a headline and a picture to get you to read it, then all the better. Then everybody gets all worked up about whether all of it is true or not. So, thanks everyone for the entertainment this afternoon. Yall all have fun this weekend finding other things to justify hurling insults and feeling self righteous!!!

  51. For one if the discovered it decades ago they wouldn't have just dropped the issue. Id have to see real pics or I call bullshit!

  52. Supposedly, one of the things reinforcing a mid atlantic island theory is the behavior of spawning eels from the sargasso sea, evolutionary wise it would make more sense if they all headed off to the west coast of n. america, but instead 1/2 of them head off to europe - many more 1000's of miles away - some inherited memory perhaps? - who knows? - I wasn't there, and I'm not an eel - obviously the image shown has been enhanced to a degree, as a pure sonar image would make little sense to the average person - but another point is - have those people who still believe that civilization only goes back some 8000 years not yet heard of the dwarka underwater ruins - artifacts from which have been dated to some 32,000 yrs - and gobekli tepe for example, which goes back at least 12000 yrs - soil compression tests there, indicate it was deliberately buried to boot - I find it worrying that so many people, primarily from the dominant western education system, believe that they know it all, and totally ignore the histories of indigenous peoples whose civilizations go back far further than our own. One thing I've learned in my 50 years, is that empire rewrites and hides evidence that doesn't suit them all the time - I don't know if this is true or not - but I'll keep an open mind - as a thought - if the position of the earths equator was to shift for some reason - wouldn't the planets crust bulge in some places and sink in others? - Yours, scotland.

  53. sorry - that should have been east coast

  54. "amazingly sits within the boundaries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle"

    Where are all the crasht planes and so ;-)

  55. To everyone that thinks its B/S im not sure about this one but they have one on the sea floor between Cuba and Mexico. I saw a documentary on it they were in submersibles and it was at the same depths as this so im not sure if its the same or if it was from the same time frame

    1. So you saw a documentary you cannot name about a place you cannot locate and that is your challenge to those who question the truth of this "report"? Whatever standards of proof you need to believe something totally improbable are clearly lower than the Cayman Trench.

  56. Thing One: the discoverers are not scientists (Zalitzki, a marine engineer and Weinzweig is a business owner). Thing Two: This is not in the Bermuda Triangle. Thing Three: nobody else in the science community agrees with them. Thing Four: the claims of this being a city with sculptures and structures has no evidence backing it up. Zalitzki and Weinzweig are not archaeologists nor do they have any background in such matters. They are not oceanographers, either. And Cuba was never the home of Olmec peoples.

  57. Of course it is true. Only someone irrelevant with the themes would not believe it. We are talking about History and Photography. Not photografics!

  58. Bloody hell half the people here just can't be grateful for something possibly as beautiful as this, can they? Keep an open mind, think about it. It's a possibility.

  59. why so much comments? it's in Bermuda Triangle everything's swallowed there by nature,why not a whole city;)

  60. The grainy pictures are proof of an advanced civilization. Oh yea, and ALIENS!

  61. Gotta love how emotionally unstable angry trolls know EVERYTHING. And that includes the IQs of the other commenters! There's a huge amount of valid science here about the collapse of the continental crust during an ice age. Why couldn't this be real? Like someone here said, if this was a few hundred years ago, these people would be saying "Oh right-- like the Earth is round! How can you prove that???? A$$HOLE!" Some of you guys really need some metal health therapy. Your hostility is WAY off the charts!

  62. Don't be so quick to dismiss this article! The evidence does point to an ancient city off the coast of Bermuda that has geometric structures and that the area sank in a catastrophic seismic event. This is not actually unusual as there are ancient lost cities being discovered all over the world, e.g. Gobi dessert in Mongolia, China, India, Turkey, Syria, Peru and off the coasts of Egypt and Gibraltar. - Look them up!

    This site may actually be near the Bermuda triangle rather than in it, but the link there obviously captures public interest! However, the geological data dates this site as Very Ancient and we are, one day, going to have to accept that prior to the last ice age there were advanced human civilizations!

    The above picture is not a photograph and does not appear in the earlier articles, it is clearly a computer generated model of the site as all the original photos show the water to be too cloudy to see more than a few metres. I notice that there are a couple of artists' drawings of the pyramids to give the viewer an idea of what they look like, this is the only way to do this, although there are close-up photos and a sonar-graph available.

    Here are some of the articles I've found about this story:

    --- From the alternative media ---

    --- From Bloggs ---

    --- However this debunking site dresses the story as supernatural and doesn't offer any objective analysis ---

  63. Only problem with that theory is maps and recorded coordinates that state Atlantis wouldve been a large island visible from the mountains of California. Seriously look up maps from my early time periods A.D. one around 800 a.d. had it clearly outlined between Africa and what would later become California.

  64. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:
