Appearing in an interview with Alex Jones that filmed August 30th, Russell brings further credibility to the power of the alternatives news and the collapse of the mega media. In fact, Russell’s breakdown of just how distorted the media reporting on the events in Syria are coincides exactly with what I have been reporting on for a number of weeks now. Ultimately, this is a display of just how much of a difference we are making in the alternative news, and more importantly how many millions we can reach by continuing to push out the truth amid the volley of disinformation coming from the media.
Top Officials: Alt News Destroying Syria War Machine
We are continually making major strides in the informational battle against skewed news, and this fact is now even being admitted by the very high level officials who seek to send us into Syria-style scenarios that could very well initiate World War 3. One such powerful admission I was extremely pleased to hear about and bring to you was the admission by top Obama adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski that it was actually the ‘global political awakening’ that was putting a wrench in the Syria war machine.
In other words, elite control freaks like Brzezinski know that we aren’t listening to their warmongering propaganda anymore, and instead we are craving the truth on all fronts. And it’s the public craving for the truth that is halting their entire plan to launch the United States and other nations internationally into a hot war with Syria — one that, despite the information being out there, virtually no one realizes is essentially a major combat scenario with Russia through Assad.
Today’s Russell Brand interview truly highlights the effectiveness of not only alternative news juggernauts like Infowars, Drudge Report, and Storyleak, but the overall power of the entire movement as a whole.
I think it would be nice if; what on the surface appears to be an argument equivalent to a used car sales pitch, is actually a brilliant scheme to demilitarize the Middle East. That being... Syria will agree to turn over their chemical weapons to the UN if Israel does too.
ReplyDeleteWay to go Big O!
yes indeed, I think he has that in mind! YAY!
DeleteYes, brilliant, as if Israel would ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do that. You guys are as delusional as ever.
DeleteYour an idiot...
ReplyDeleteActually it's "you're".
DeleteSo you, my friend, are an idiot :)
Delete"Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
DeleteI love that he has toned down his comedy voice to sound more natural and less silly, more intelligent sounding
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you guys posted a link to the Alex Jones show!! He is a an ultra-conservative Libertarian, pro-guns, anti-gay, America hater.
ReplyDeleteHe is everything this site is against.... Really disappointed in both you guys and in Russell Brand for giving this guy any attention.
Shame on you.
You are kidding right? There is no such thing as an ultra- conservative Libertarian. Libertarian stands for one that wants liberty. That's what America was founded upon. Liberty to run your own life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 3 guesses where that came from. Oh, and since you mentioned it, the right to bear arms. Bet you don't know that one either. How about taxation without representation? Ring a bell? Anti- gay? How about anti-nothing except you commie control freaks that want to take everyones freedom to live as Americans.
Delete"I can't believe you guys posted a link to the Alex Jones show!! He is a an ultra conservative ..."
DeleteIf something is true then it's true, no matter which individual it is who says it. Why make such a fuss about the messenger.
Right to bear arms. Whoever believes this should have no say in politics. No guns, no shootings. simple. gun lovers are idiots
DeleteThe shear magnitude of ignorance in your comment tells me you know nothing about the country you live in, what it was founded on, and what freedom is suppose to look like. Those gun owners you hate are one of the reasons there wasn't a mainland invasion of America during World War II. You might want to check your historical facts and other reference points before you decide to shit all over a component of our constitution simply because you don't like or understand why it's there.
Delete"Those gun owners you hate are one of the reasons there wasn't a mainland invasion of America during World War II."
DeleteWTF are you on about? That makes no sense what-so-ever. There would never be a mainland invasion of America (especially by Japan or Germany in the case of WWII) because of its shear size and in the case of Germany, the sheer distance. The attack on Pear Harbour was meant as a crippling move so that Japan could function on its own terms, allowing them to move oil around their empire freely which they had been denied by American sanctions (enforced by the navy). There was NEVER a plan to invade mainland America and that was NEVER due to 'the right to bear arms'. Wow . . .
The right to bear arms isn't about shooting at targets and shouting "MERICA!" until you get a boner. Yes, some gun owners do that, but they too are missing the point.
DeleteAn armed population is, in simple terms, a bargaining chip.
When you take away citizens' means to defend themselves or rebel meaningfully, then all that can be relied on to prevent those that possess weapons (governments, in many cases) from rolling out tyranny, or whatever else they want to do is their own good will and intentions; which can change with leadership. History is filled with examples of this. Nazi Germany and Shogunate Japan stand out as good examples.
If the right to bear arms was abolished, then yes, it would be harder to shoot people, that's true; HOWEVER, it would also be much harder to defend ourselves against a militarized threat, whether its origin was international or domestic.
"There would never be a mainland invasion of America (especially by Japan or Germany in the case of WWII) because of its shear size and in the case of Germany, the sheer distance." The sheer distance????? That is the stupidest statement I've read in ages. Don't you realize that if we could reach Germany with planes, tanks, bombs,and troops that Germany could have done the same to us? But, maybe in your idiotic universe it is further from Germany to the U.S. than it is from the U.S. to Germany.
DeleteWho cares if he was on Alex Jones? I hate religious nut bags, I'm No Party, Conservative (I'm not a bible conservative..who believes bible is law I'm DEIST, which is like an agnostic) I can't stand Alex Jones religious rants..but he is right about some issues...you're one of those people who think that because someones religious everything else they say HAS TO BE WRONG..if religious nuts said the WORLD WAS ROUND, you'd say IT WAS FLAT just because you don't like their other views...Alex Jones is right on SOME ISSUES..and I'm PRO-GUN but ANTI-WAR...you can have both...when REPUBLICANS push RELIGION they are LIBERALS cause it violates our constitution/bill of rights..they are only conservative to the BIBLE..not our founding documents..learn the difference..
DeleteI'm for gay rights! I think gays should be able to get married! Do I think we should FORCE boy scouts to let gays in NO, make a NEW PRIVATE organization which allows gays in...which you left wing liberals are no different then the right wing liberals..both of you want to use government to FORCE your ideology on people cause you can't stand criticism..cause you RIGHT WINGERS and LEFT WINGERS are little babies WAHH WAHHHH...You're mean to me..so I'll get government involved to take care of you since people want to make fun of gays wahhhhh (democrats), or You're an atheist...you shouldn't be in politics..it goes against my religion to have you in power even though our founding documents say no religious test is required to run for office! wahh we're babies just like the Democrats and will use laws to force our views on you WAHHH WAHHHH.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@ the anonymous who said shooting guns is for people to get boners..you're a fucking retard, who looks at mainstream left wing propaganda (no different then the right wings religious propaganda) and sit and STEREOTYPE people..
DeleteYou're no better then a fucking RACIST KKK or New Black Panther Party member..all of you are racists who stereotype! Quite frankly racists like you and them all should be SHOT!
As you continue on your spiritual journey, don't forget that we live in a physical world. Its like the playing field and we have to abide by its rules. What good will your ideologies and views do you when confronted with the brute force and strenght of the suppressor, when you don't comply to your enslavement?
DeleteOn the other hand don't forget that those things in the physical world are only manifestations of a higher world. A gun is an ideology, the only way to get rid of guns is to erase the memory of them from the world, all guns in existence were created by people as long as there are people there will be guns.
A gun is just a tool, people over glorify them but people will be like that be the adult in the conversation and don't lower to they're perspective of the world. 'It's just a tool'.
A very esential one that equalises the "playing field" and allows for the only methods of coexistence to be a DIPLOMATIC one. It allows for truth liberty humanity and Love to flourish and tyranny suppresion and sin to be faced out into the darkness from whence it came.
@Carlos Solis - They live in a fantasy world..most Republicans and Democrats do..Democrats think gun control and government mandated health care needs to be forced on people and Republicans think religion needs to be forced on people..both of which believe in using force..quite frankly those of us who don't belong to either party need to unite get those who are on the fringe out of their party politics and start revolting peacefully...
DeleteI saw we all need to openly carry protesting in mass. IF the government shoots on us then we go to a civil war with them. Otherwise use it to put them back in check and make them do their job..either way they are going to kill us slowly through poverty, or kill us in a civil war...but people need to be ready for a civil war..because the elites from both Republicans and Democrats are getting ready for it..we need to show we aren't going to stand for it!
But most people in the USA right or left just wanna party and wanna watch tv, and play video games and not do jack shit because they don't realize we have things so cheap because of slave labor or know it and just don't care because its not happening to them yet...but believe me..if our government can take FULL CONTROL..they will enslave us and make us work for FAR less while stripping away our guns so we can't fight back at all...
People think oh you're crazy..the government won't do that..it's not that bad YET..yeah..YET..but you're willing to risk becoming a slave because it's not THAT bad YET..its bad..but not bad enough huh..people are sheep. Democrats and Republicans think "Oh we're MERICANS..we can't do anything wrong! We can attack arabs and kill MILLIONS of them in the 90's, but when they attacked us on 9/11 in retaliation to the millions we killed, and killed a few thousand Mericans..we should go to war cause we started it and we're mericans and our military can never back down!!! We can't let them win! GO MERICA! It's okay for Obama to continue the war cause we can't give up! We only protested the war cause we just didn't like Republicans! We like our war President Obama aka Bush Jr the second cause he's our man! MERICA!"
Republicans during Bush "If you don't like Merica then GET OUT!"
Democrats during Obama "If you don't like Merica then GET OUT!"
You tell a Democrat and Republican their parties crimes and they agree finally on one thing..that you are wrong because their parties are PERFECT! "We agree to hate the person who calls out our parties crimes, cause we can't accept facts if it makes us wrong! So we'll get along just to call him a troll for presenting facts then go back to blaming each other!"
Yes exactly, in their world the only reason we are privileged now is because we are useful. Just like local police seem to be privileged and above the law but don't realize they are being used to oppress us and are on the same boat sinking with us;
Deletethe USA is being used as the worlds police, once they take full control and don't need us anymore they will let us sink, our land will be redistributed then they would have successfully enslaved the world.
But you must realize that the seed of they're power is not any physical object it is one that is in the minds of the people, it is they're ability to rewire people's minds to see the world a certain way, a way in which Truth and Knowledge will never be found. The war against our oppressor could manifest as a physical civil war but the real war is up here inside in the minds hearts and souls of the people.
What we have to do is built a weapon, as long as we have truth on our side we could win. We just have to built a powerful weapon more powerful than any physical object. My goal is to built such a weapon and save the world. Is a weapon that will transform the people, will melt away the superficiality and let them see and remember who they really are bring them to they're knees with tears of LOVE and empower them with such Rightiousnes that the devil himself/(banker's-world) will tremble in fear as the Light reveals him and the mediocrity from where he crawled out from.
"There would never be a mainland invasion of America (especially by Japan or Germany in the case of WWII) because of its shear size and in the case of Germany, the sheer distance. " Tell this to the American Indians.
DeleteAlex has gone so much further than other journalists in bringing truth to the media despite his conservative position. That shouldn't matter. He gets good info out there. And he is rarely wrong. Shame on YOU anonymous.
ReplyDeletehahahaha, good info? rarely wrong?
Alex Jones is right one SOME issues...I agree with him on points..but he pushes his religious ideology and then will be a hypocrite on issues when it gets in the way of his religious ideology. But let me guess you think MSNBC, or CNN or Fox (probably not fox cause you seem like a Democrat) don't spin the news even tho ALL news spins it to their own ideology and who ever funds them..
DeleteIf Alex Jones said the world was round would you say he was wrong and that the world is flat?
No, silly, ad hominem attacks are completely legitimate. Forget about what he's saying, or whether or not his information is good. Look at what his political affiliations are. That's what really matters...at least to some people.
ReplyDeleteAnd - clearly - if he's conservative, or pro-guns, or any of that other stuff, he's not allowed to have an opinion worth listening to, or information that might possibly be accurate.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletehis information is NOT good. he sensationalizes because it makes him money. i can't tell if he genuinely believes the bullshit that spews from his mouth or if it's an act, but either way, he makes a FUCKTON of money off of people like you - people like you who think he has good information and buy his stupid fucking movies and listen to his fat ass rant and yell about nothing on the radio.
Deletewatch the video posted right above you that shows how many of his predictions based on 'good information' did not even come close to coming true. watch the entire thing and tell me that you still want to listen to that fucking idiot
If you don't watch or listen to anything that sensationalizes to make money, I assume you don't watch any cable or network news channels or read any newspapers.
Delete@Guy Mcguy - I hate Alex Jones...but guess what ALL MEDIA makes money off of it..oh but its okay for CNN, MSNBC to fear monger (fox does it to but you'd agree with me on them but will probably deny it on MSNBC and CNN) even though they sit there and play the fear card constantly to...their is shit to be feared about Alex is right about that...but he SPINS it just like the rest..wake the fuck up...morons like you are the reason we are where we are in this nation and quite frankly need to be killed or exiled from this nation because you pick and choose what facts are.
DeletePolitical affiliations are all that matter? WOW you're an idiot just like guymcguy...that's such a racist mindset...and because he's pro-gun he's automatically not allowed to have an opinion? I'm a conservative but not to the bible cause I'm Deist (modern day agnostic)..I'm for guns! Why? Because our police/government kill just as many people as civilians..oh but that's right ALL PRAISE POLICE and MILITARY for attacking PROTESTERS!
DeleteFuck off you piece of shit..people like you who don't think people have the right to have an opinion because of their gun views need their asses beat..I don't need a gun to fuck you up. Cause obviously you're one of those people who would start shit with someone talk shit, then call the cops when you get your ass beat going "oh he hurt me wahhh I wanna sue him even tho I ran my mouth off". use you guns on him cause he beat me up! wahhhhh I'm a pussy so I want everyone else to not defend themselves either so I can talk all the shit I want..cause I go along with the government and aslong as I do what they say even if what they do is wrong I'm protected by the mafia aka government..WAHHHH
being gay is wrong dick in a guys ass just doesn't make sense and if it does to you get help cause your sick
ReplyDeleteyou are so naïve!!! you sound very prejudice and narrow minded. being gay isn't a matter of personal choice all the time. Ever heard of chromosomes? What would you do if you scientifically had the chemistry of a female but were born in the body of a male?? Chromosome mix ups have been common since the beginning of time. I guess if you have a child bourn a hermaphrodite you will either kill it or decide what gender you want it to be long before it's own chemistry matures and decides for it! Do some actual factual research before you pop off and you won't sound so chronically brain dead. I am a hetero sexual male. And proud to be open minded and inquisitive instead of having a head full of preconceived ideas. the only thing sick here is how much you are pushing your narrow minded un-backed opinion!!!
DeleteExplain hermaphrodites born with both....go back to sucking your fairy tale gods dick. You follow the OLD testament..so you must be a JEW....cause if you followed Jesus's teachings you wouldn't judge...but obviously you stick to the old testament which was a translation from the Torah which makes you a ZIONIST JEW!
DeleteThis man is wroth listening too. Just a word of caution, governments and corporations don't take kindly to the real truth coming out. Be careful and watch your back Russell Brand. I think your a great inspiration and I share your thoughts on these matters, especially with alternative thinking with being in nature.
ReplyDeleteFrom the looks of it anonymous wants to remain concealed in the closet lol. It's that old saying I think he dith protest too much! Why do you care where some guy sticks it. As long as all is consenting and there are no children or animals involved, its none of your business! This topic is about the murder of innocent civilians, who will ultimately end up including us if military action is taken, and your talking about another guy's Dick!
ReplyDeleteG0D Bless you Alex.. and you also Russell...
ReplyDeleteAlex is using Russell Brand to reach people he could not normally reach. End of story.
ReplyDelete...same with Russel Brand...I don't like Alex Jones..but seriously..you're a hypocrite. I go with FACTS...I could care less..I fact check EVERYONE...Alex Jones is right on SOME issues..and even though I hate him..I still accept it when he presents a fact..oh but that's right...
DeleteThe worlds flat in your eyes because Alex Jones says its round!
If you paid attention to the message: Russell said those of us fighting against oppression have more in common than those who are causing it. Who gives a shit who the talk show host is if he is fighting on the same side for "FREEDOM" Don't we all want to end poverty, stop big business from suffocating and ruling us, stop the politicians from taking us into another war, get our economy back under control. We are facing a battle to take back our country from the last 50 + yrs of leaders who have been bought and paid for by big business and we have been led by sheep listening to "ads" of propaganda and believing all the lies. It never mattered who we voted for AT ALL! We need someone who can economically run this country. They (the elite) want us to fight over race, gay rights, although important topics it is also a distraction to what is going on in our Government.And this government has been really pushing the race card. America needs to ban together.
ReplyDeleteQuotes!!!! Got to love the hidden, suppressed, undervalued, unappreciated Quotes!!!
ReplyDeleteTruth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance. - W. Clement Stone
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. - Mahatma Gandhi
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Buddha
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in larger ones - Albert Einstein
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. - Marcus Aurelius
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. - Winston Churchill
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts. -Abraham Lincoln
Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.
Mahatma Gandhi
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear. - Mahatma Gandhi
Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it. - Mark Twain
There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.
- Maya Angelou
Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness. - Khalil Gibran
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Truth has and always will prevail over the forces of the evil.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_truth.html#YU2UErF6wuPXODZd.99
Hope You Enjoyed!!!!!
Keep Up The Spectacular work Alex!!! Although, I am more of a meditation, world peace, help the suffering type of guy like Brand-o, myself. but hey, lets connect these dots of those outside the box and unify this deceived and troubled world.
I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against. - Malcolm X
ReplyDeleteHalf a truth is often a great lie. (Mass Media) - Benjamin Franklin
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. - Henry David Thoreau
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light. - George Washington
A lot of truth is said in jest. (Mass Media) - Eminem
Too Good to leave out!!
Good Night.
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. - Galileo Galilei
DeleteALex Jones is a patriot, He does make money as a journalist but that is what he elected to do for a living.
ReplyDeleteI have seen a lot of hatred being spread around here in the name of equality "he is anti gay", "he is pro-gun" etc. Nothing short of a logical fallacy.
SO you hate this guy because you think he hates you? Brilliant! let us all add a little more to the cycle of hate!
Let me make something clear; America is made up of many different people.
We come from different cultures and different backgrounds and no one really has to like anyone else. But we must learn to respect and embrace each other as human beings. The only way to overcome tyranny and oppression is to stop fighting each other and start fighting the Tyrants.
I watch Alex Jones once in a while, I agree with him on some issues. I used to watch him alot before he became "sponsored" even though he'll say he's not sponsored then starts selling tangy tangerine and all the other products that owners come on all the time...
DeleteHe rants religious all the time against gays...then says its their right to be gay, but talks shit about them..so he is ANTI-GAY..he blames everything on the elites about their homosexual rituals on bohemian grove all these people in congress are homosexual degenerates "quote from him" He speaks against Atheists constantly..anyone who is Christian who he thinks is "bad" oh they are Atheist cause they don't preach about god the way he does..he's a hypocrite...
I give Alex Jones credit when credits due..but you give him way to much credit calling him a "Patriot"...He wouldn't even protest open carry with Adam Kokesh, he kept saying it was a bad idea even though he admitted DC said it was legal 4 years ago..he just talks about freedom..he wont' do anything cause he wants to protect his family...true patriots didn't care...cause if they did nothing their children would have no future at all..he won't actually stand up for any civil liberties.
If he did he would protest things instead of bullhorning the bilderberg group..which i agree they are corrupt but they aren't the only ones...he picks and chooses..Alex Jones is a puppet to the religious media. He rarely speaks out against Israel's crimes because his wifes Jewish herself and he plays favorites to his religious ideology. He cares more about religious people then his own..he doesn't really care about "humanity"...you can tell by how he words things...that's like the rocker who said "you don't touch a woman like that...everyone get this black mother fucker" he had to point out the guy was black..who cares about the race..just like alex points out gays and atheists who cares if they are gay or atheist...point out the things they are doing wrong...but he PANDERS to himself and his advertisers. Then says "oh I don't have advertisers" then says "please support this product" right after...Infowars has become a Infomercial...2 years ago he was good..not anymore he's sold out.
They are probably going to kill him soon...
ReplyDelete^ D : noooo I hope not
ReplyDeleteAll you people complaining about Alex Jones should be happy that you aren't alone any more. There are a lot of conservative libertarians who are your allies against the global elites, whether you like it or not.
ReplyDeleteYou had better reassess your tolerance levels and practice what you preach about accepting people who are different than you, if you want to accomplish anything in terms of changing this society.
what a load of horseshit! this guy should be a politician. he talks a lot but really says little.
ReplyDeleteSo if politicians are spewing bullshit, and he's spewing bullshit...then you're saying no one ever speaks facts..which is false..they all give facts..just they all SPIN them as well...
DeleteOr were you referring to only one party spewing horseshit? Cause I'm guessing you play party politics....
Alex Jones is an amazing reporter. I would love to see more like him. He should be paid top dollar because of the TRUTH he reports. Guns are our right to stop violence, not create it. In every report, you should question everything...to err is human. He definitely is dedicated and respects fellow humans by informing and waking up those who are so naïve to believe mainstream media. I have not heard him say one thing to cause harm to another
ReplyDeleteKEY WORDS - ELITE & NEW WORLD ORDER DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and im positive youl'l look at things in a different perspective