Science has it’s limitations as it can only go so far. Given what science deems as proof cannot always be measurable, or observable. Religion has its limitations in that those who choose to follow close off their minds to alternative understandings of reality. Do you ever wonder if we will get to a complete understanding about the true nature of our reality? Mankind has always been on a quest for truth, and there have been those who are so ingrained in their belief systems that the mind is not able to contemplate new possibilities. On one hand we have science, which allows us to understand new concepts of reality, and on the other hand we have religion, which dives into faith in an external source of information as truth, without possibility for change.
Religion can be an iffy topic. I feel that Jesus Christ would not endorse religion, I feel he would have no idea what it is, what we call ‘religion’ is purely man made and used for profit and to conceal information while controlling the masses. The same goes for Krishna, Mohammad, Quetzalcoatl and all other souls who were well ahead of their time. I like to think of Galileo for example, the church has a long history of information suppression, for if the truth gets out, it becomes harder to control the masses. His work was burned and condemned by the church, and anybody who practiced science was considered a heretic, even when the church had the same scientific knowledge as the scientists. The church was the entity who chose to play the role of truth keepers. Today, the Vatican is one of the central hubs for information suppression in order to control the masses. They hide the higher understanding about reality that we see the masses waking up to today. More and more of us are starting to realize that we are not just the body, and something far greater beyond our mental understanding is taking place. Can we substantiate these claims? It requires looking at a multitude of information over a long period of time, making connections and critical thinking. If you are interested and open to the possibility of the illuminati, you should do your research. Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance, as Albert Einstein once said. Too many people today are quick to comment on subjects without taking the time to do research, most of their information comes from the television screen, or education institutions, without really looking at a variety of sources for their information. Why do we give our minds away so easily?
Throughout human history our understanding about reality has increased exponentially. Unfortunately, science can only take us so far as it is governed by qualitative and quantitative research. There are some things that our science cannot yet explain, and religion is simply a belief system based on texts written by people, which have been subject to manipulation. At the same time, some instances occur when you can merge scientific understanding with religious texts, but in the end both lead us to one conclusion, that we just don’t know, apparently. There are many instances within science, where we can view observable characteristics of our reality, but do not understand them. At the same time, it is clearly understandable, but science does not want to go there. This is where we enter into consciousness, and quantum science, which focuses on looking at physical reality through the tiniest particles known to man. Into a world we cannot see, a world that is governed by thoughts, feelings, emotions and the vibrational freuqency of our being.
Quantum physics discovered that physical atoms are vorticies of energy that are constantly vibrating. So every material structure in the Universe including you and me radiates a unique energy signature. – Bruce Lipton
Our understanding of science continues to increase, but what drives our reality is nothing physical, nothing measurable, it is determined by us, the way we operate while we experience a physical existence. Operating from a place of love, peace, acceptance and cooperation has the potential to create a completely different reality for planet Earth. At this point, science seems to loose its stability and its ability to know “what is”. It seems our knowing of what is, when coming from a place not influenced by anything external, is real truth.
For example, if you take a child and put him/her in an environment where they receive no external information from religion or science, how would they explain the true nature of reality? I feel as if we are all in the process of stripping everything we have been programmed and ingrained with since the day we were born, so we can simply listen to ourselves, our intuition, our heart and soul. This suggests that we are all connected to one source of truth, call it God, call it the God particle, call it whatever, we are all apart of that source. Whatever we want to know, whatever questions we have at any level, can simply be answered by you, by taping into your soul. Truth doesn’t come from the mind, it comes from the heart. When the soul enters the body, it forgets where it came from, but what happens when the soul awakens within the physical body? The challenge of our modern day existence is learning to listen to the heart, little by little, step by step. If you can completely empty the mind, you will get to the truth, and that truth seems to be unexplainable, but it can be felt extremely deeply.
When it comes down to it, all of us perceive reality in different ways. No doubt about it, our perception of reality has been subject to manipulation. Most of our desires come from television programming, education and mass media. A large amount of people are waking up to new truths, and many are going through an individual paradigm change. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. We are changing the way we look at the world and ourselves as individuals, therefore we are manifesting a change. Basically, many people on the planet are resonating with cooperation, why cant we all just get along? It starts with you, and your everyday actions in life. You have to be the change you want to see, so be peace, lose your buttons so they cannot be pushed, empty your tank of gasoline so it cannot be lit, and you begin to change your as well as the collective reality in ways you could have never have imagined. We don’t have to label truth into different categories, all truth lies within.
Originally posted on: Collective Evolution
I suggest you read this Bible revelation:
ReplyDeleteWhether you accept what you will read on the said website or not is your decision. We all have free-will, what is important is that you were informed.Thanks
Angel Lawin, You're a dick for posting that comment... and of course my comment makes me no better than you. I have free will and informed you that you are a dick. Thanks